9 Herbs that Thrive Indoors


Are you tired of buying the necessary herbs from grocery stores? Want to spice up your recipes with fresh herbs? 

Set up your very own indoor herb garden! If you believe that it would be hectic to work on your garden, then that is nothing less than a myth. Most of these herbs are convenient, low-maintenance, and can thrive indoors. They do need your sincere love, but that is restricted to routine watering and fertilizing unless it gets ample sunlight.

Species like oregano, mint, and chives that are well known and come complimentary with all cuisines. Whether its meat or veggies, fresh juice, or morning tea, they’ve got you covered. Check out 9 Herbs that Thrive Indoors and trust me, you won’t have to visit grocery stores to buy flavorless herbs ever again!

1. Oregano

A perennial herb, Oregano is one of a kind and can be grown indoors easily when you can expect a trailing aspect. It is a species that would survive readily in hot and sunny places and provides a good harvest all year round. 

Oregano needs bright light so placing them beside a window makes it smile. They can also survive in bright, fluorescent light. An airy, fast-draining soil, just enough water, and liquid fertilizing once a month is all that it needs. A good starter for a novice gardener, isn’t it? 

2. Thyme

Involved in both culinary and aromatic aspects, Thymus vulgaris is mostly used to add some grassy spice to any dish. A mixture of sand and potting soil and just enough water so the roots do not sog and you can harvest thyme and enjoy its delicate aroma! 

They thrive on six hours of daylight and are perfect for your kitchen herb garden. Use fish emulsion as fertilizer every two weeks and adore your smiling herb! 

3. Chives

Are you looking for a herb that can blush during the cold Winters? Get ready to pot up chives and add that colorful garnish to your favorite cuisines. 

They tolerate lower light, temperature fluctuations, and watering only when the soil is dry. Chives can withstand winter conditions like no other herb and it can be a stunning addition to your kitchen herb garden. Sprinkle chopped chives on pizzas and salads and you’re up for a delicious meal! 

4. Rosemary

A worthy addition to your kitchen herb garden, rosemary is a popular indoor herb that can survive mild conditions and 6 hours of light. They need a sandy soil or a cactus potting mix to grow well and enhance the delicious aroma. 

They can survive in temperatures as low as 7 degrees and has to be watered when the topsoil is dry. It is a drought-tolerant species and an easy-to-grow organic herb that can be benefited by regular fertilizing. A light brushing against the plant with your fingers, and you have soothing fragrance all around! 

5. Mint

A freshening herb that complements almost everything, mint is a blessing that comes with convenient growing aspects. Whether you grow mint in water or soil, you will be rewarded with the essence of freshly picked leaves throughout the year! 

Place it near a door or window with 4 hours of daylight and keep the soil moist by regular watering. Occasional fertilizing to accelerate the growth would work wonders for indoor herbs like mint. Enjoy those fresh sprigs as you flavor your dessert with them! 

6. Parsley

The light-flavored herb, parsley is used to garnish and add color to meat dishes like roasted chicken and fish. Just like chives, it needs 6 hours of daylight and all-purpose potting mix for maximum growth. 

Once the plant is established, the stem must be trimmed regularly to enhance growth. Watering the herb twice a well will make it blush and keep that greenery alive! 

7. Dill

Dill, a herb with medicinal properties, is a Russian species that comes with a strong flavor in both leaves and seeds. They are undemanding, easy, and low-maintenance species like other herbs. 

Make sure dill gets 6 hours of sunlight or 12 hours of artificial light every day and enough water to moisten the soil to thrive indoors. They cannot tolerate chilling stress so special care must be taken during the winters. Use the seeds a few days before they ripen and enjoy the goodness of dill! 

8. Lemongrass

A must-use in Thai cuisine, lemongrass is a wonder plant that tastes great and smells great. They can thrive indoors quite easily, and it is also a necessity in colder climates. 

The more you cut the leaves, the more it grows right back. It can also grow well in a water jar and prefers full sunlight. It must be watered regularly and fertilized as well. Besides the culinary properties, it also contains citronella which is a mosquito repellent. Isn’t it a bonus? 

9. Chervil

A member of the carrot family, chervil is a cool-season herb that prefers humid conditions and cannot sustain in high temperatures. Chervil grows well when placed in windowsills and no direct sun for the leaves. 

The growing media must be slightly damped to keep the plant blushing. Feed half-strength fertilizers to it so that the flavors are not lost. Use chervil to flavor cream sauces, eggs, and meats and it also comes handy to calm down high blood pressure! 

All these herbs would be a fantastic addition to your kitchen as you would always have access to fresh herbs. Relish the cuisines from all around the world with these 9 herbs that can make your recipes go from flat to fab in seconds. Don’t wait, set up your indoor herb garden right away!