17 Perennials That Attract Hummingbirds to Your Garden!


Are you trying to optimize your garden for hummingbirds? Are you trying to figure out how to entice them to your backyard? You just have to experiment with hummingbird flowers and make the right combination of plants.

Beyond their incredible acrobatics, hummingbirds are also wonderful pollinators that would help your garden grow in a natural process. What flowers attract hummingbirds? The answer is not simple, but I have observed my grandfather’s garden and the aptest answer would be lots and lots of nectar!

They are drawn to anything red and prefer unique shapes like tubular which are difficult for other insects to feed on. You can entice hummingbirds to visit your garden by planting beautiful and showy plants like bee balm, columbine, and many more. Depending on the bloom time, the migrating hummings feed on the nectar and frequent watering of your garden might also attract them.

We have listed 17 Perennials That Attract Hummingbirds to Your Garden that are low-maintenance and well-known greens!

1. Bee Balm

As the name suggests, this perennial is truly a hub for bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds. The sole reason here is the nectar which is available in abundance in these small, colorful flowers.

There are almost 50 varieties of Bee Balm with different characteristics like mildew resistance, size, and color. They can grow up to 4 feet tall and mostly require full Sun to grow and blush. It would be an amazing addition to your garden and yes, be ready to welcome hummingbirds! 

2. Sage

A well-known plant and every nursery would have this one. Sage or Salvia looks great in a garden, they are easy to grow and yes, the leaves are edible! There are hundreds of known species and it would get confusing to choose the right variety. 

The native American species come in different shapes, sizes and have tubular spikes of flowers. Some species are perennial, some are annual but all of them can effectively attract hummingbirds. Attracting pollinators also helps in mixing up genes and therefore, the cultivars can also be a good choice. 

3. Lily

Large, beautiful flowers growing from bulbs- this would be the correct definition of true and common lilies. Out of hundreds of varieties, the Genus Lilium attracts pollinators efficiently. 

Lilies can be the show winner in your garden any day, thanks to those vibrant colors and shapes! The Canada lily or meadow lily attracts rub-throated hummingbirds and can be up to 8 feet tall. Another known variety, called the tiger lily effectively attracts Rufous hummingbird and is generally shorter in height. 

4. Bleeding Hearts

Going by the name, these flowers are heart-shaped with dazzling pink and white colors. They are very good landscape flowers and their looks are worth appreciating. They would also be an affordable choice for hummingbird gardens because they can be divided into transplants. 

Bleeding hearts can grow up to 36 inches in shade and under moist conditions. The blooms thrive in the cold season and they would hold onto the looks of your garden as the cold season kicks in. 

5. Rhododendron

With looks very similar to the morning glory, Rhododendron is full of calming vibes and the blue color is very soothing. Among thousands of species, most of them originate in Asia and it is a popular nursery plant. 

The ones attracting hummingbirds are North American natives and they have looks to die for. The dark green foliage and the pink blooms look incredibly beautiful and the pollinators are bound to get attracted. They can be up to 10 feet tall and blushes on shade and moisture. 

6. Columbine 

Belonging to genus Aquilegia, columbine is a North American native with very pretty looks. The unique violet and white beauties attract hummingbirds and why not? They look amazing and can be the pride of your garden. 

Columbines bloom in May and they encounter the first humming visit each Spring. Other insects can hardly access nectar from this one, so it’s a win-win situation for hummings! Just like rhododendron, this species loves shade and moisture and can grow up to 3 feet. 

7. Butterfly Bush

Also known as Buddleia davidii, the butterfly bush is a perennial flower that is considered to be a shrub. The unique blooms develop in clusters in pink, white, red, and purple and the bunch looks very attractive. 

It is a fast-growing shrub that can be up to 12 feet tall in optimum conditions. Full of nectar, this species attracts hummings and other pollinators like bees and butterflies. If you want a humming garden, this would be a good and affordable choice. 

8. Trumpet Creeper

Sometimes called trumpet vine, trumpet creeper blooms resemble trumpets and the hollow openings are favored by hummingbirds. Those long, tubular flowers hold lots of nectar and attract pollinators. 

This perennial species is a United States native, easy to grow and the mature size can be 40 feet under optimum conditions. The plant needs to be trimmed regularly because the foliage can grow to be very dense! A popular plant in nurseries, the blooms usually show up after a year or two of planting. 

9. Petunia

Pretty petunia has been an all-time garden favorite and they are so worth it. They bloom all through the summer and keeps your garden vibrant with colorful flowers. Hummingbirds love color and they visit the red, white, and pink blooms in search of nectar. 

Petunias are easy to grow and they can even thrive in baskets and small spaces. There are two species of petunia- Grandiflora with large blooms and Multiflora with smaller, and cute blooms. 

10. Indian Pink

Indian pink with the scientific name of Spigelia marilandica is a perennial wildflower but is mostly used for ornamental purposes. It is a hummingbird flower with spikes-like petals and a full-of-nectar center. 

It flowers in mid-summer, mostly from June, and grows in a moist condition. Its native inhabiting ground is moist wood banks, ravines, and partial shade. Indian pink can grow up to 2 feet in height and can spread to almost 46 cm. 

11. Zinnia

If you want to add a beautiful punch of hot and vibrant colors to your garden, pink and purple zinnias would be perfect! A gift from Mexico, zinnia is preferred by all gardeners and they are easy to grow. It is an amazing companion plant as it attracts hummingbirds and resists whiteflies. 

The migrating hummingbirds prefer these white, yellow, and pink blooms during the late-summer days as they bloom in the warm season. Zinnias blush in full Sun and can grow up to 100 cm. This low-maintenance species would be an amazing addition to your backyard garden. 

12. Weigela Florida

Native to North China, Weigela florida is a flowering shrub that blooms in Spring and Summer days. With flowers resembling foxgloves, the blooms start with pink and white shade before turning to red and magenta. The pretty Weigela flowers attract both bees and hummingbirds. 

This deciduous shrub is an excellent landscape choice and can be up to 5m tall. They require firm soil and frequent watering. Fertilizing right before the blooming season can ensure good blooms throughout. 

13. Fuchsia

Hummingbirds love color and fuchsia is all about some hot and vibrant colors. The flowers bloom in Spring welcoming migrating hummingbirds and the flowers last until cold days set in. 

Fuchsia grows very well in full sun or partial shade and they do need regular watering to make those blooms. The love and care would be worth it when those two-tone colors work on the exotic flower. Beautify your garden with this Caribbean native and I am sure you won’t regret it! 

14. Peacock Flower

Caesalpinia pulcherrima, commonly known as peacock flower, is a flowering species that belongs to the pea family. With its root originating in the West Indies, the reddish-orange blooms look perfect and can attract hummingbirds. 

The flowers bloom in Summer and last through Fall, but it is an annual flower in colder climates. Regular pruning is a must for that blooms to grow as new branches show up. The immature seeds of this plant are even considered to be edible! 

15. Red Hot Pokers

Also known as torch lily or simply poker plant, this species looks extremely energetic with those red and yellow hues. The red flower clusters held up by the long and sturdy stems are rich in nectar and therefore, those hummingbirds keep coming when they are hungry. 

Red hot pokers grow well in full sun and well-drained soil. Time of bloom depends on the species and make sure you choose one according to your requirement. Divide the poker plant in Fall to grow new plants. 

16. Cosmos

Cosmos are very pretty annual flowers that grow in orange, white, and purple colors. Belonging to the sunflower family, the cosmos is a real beauty and can be a fantastic landscape element. The ladybird scarlet species attract hummingbirds the most because they hold ample nectar. 

It is very easy to grow, low-maintenance, and can thrive on well-drained soil. The blooms stay in for months and will adorn your garden with its beauty. They can grow up to 2m in optimum conditions. 

17. Begonia

For the nth time, hummings get attracted to bright and vibrant colors and the rose-like begonia blooms can be called color bombs. Hang these flowers on a basket and the hummingbirds would come running when they are hungry. 

This is not an outdoor plant because very sensitive to frost and long hours of sunlight can wither the leaves. They take about three months to bloom and it is long-lasting. Grow it in an indoor balcony and enjoy those blooms and humming visits! 

These flowering plants are very pretty and with little care, they can always adorn your green thumb with color and beauty. Choose the right combination of plants and make those hummings visit your garden throughout the year!